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A reference guide for civilian law enforcement
Privacy Law
Australian Privacy Principle 13 — Correction of Personal Information
13.1 If either an individual requests correction of personal information, or an organisation believes that with respect to the purpose of holding it, the information is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, then the organisation must take reasonable steps to correct that information.
Notification of correction to third parties
13.2 If an organisation corrects personal information about an individual which it previously disclosed to another organisation or agency and the individual requests that the other entities be notified, then the organisation must take reasonable steps to give that notification.
Refusal to correct information
13.3 If the APP entity refuses to correct the personal information as requested by the individual, the entity must give the individual a written notice that sets out:
the reasons for the refusal except to the extent that it would be unreasonable to do so; and
the mechanisms available to complain about the refusal; and
any other matter prescribed by the regulations.
Request to associate a statement
13.4 If the organisation refuses to correct the personal information as requested and the individual requests the entity to associate with the information a statement as to its deficiency, then the organisation must take reasonable steps to associate the statement in a manner effective for users of the information.
Dealing with requests
13.5 If a request is made under subclause 13.1 or 13.4, the organisation must respond to the request within a reasonable period MUST NOT CHARGE the individual for the making of the request, correcting the information or associating the statement (as the case may be).